SEFS6, 2009

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The sixth symposium (SEFS6) convened by the European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS), in association with the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) and in collaboration with the European Freshwater and Limnological Associations federated in EFFS took place from 17thst of August 2009 in Sinaia, Romania. The Romanian Ecological Society (RES) and the University of Bucharest, particularly its Department of Systems Ecology and Sustainability, had the pleasure to host it.  to 21

 The 6th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences was held at the International Centre of Conferences in Sinaia, Romania. The theme of SEFS6 was “Challenges and opportunities for freshwater sciences in a changing climate”. There were a series of plenary sessions, reviewing current research in freshwater ecosystems and summarising a comprehensive range of freshwater issues. There were sessions for offered poster and oral sessions, presenting recent and current research topics. The symposium brought together European scientists working on freshwater organisms, freshwater habitats and freshwater systems.

Like previous SEFS meetings, special consideration was given to students and young scientists who are at the beginning of their careers: the Symposium was an ideal occasion to meet their colleagues and look for reciprocal inspiration, share knowledge, exchange experience and ideas about freshwater ecosystems in the broadest sense and…last, but not least, to have a nice time!

The symposium had the pleasure to host 196 participants on the five days period, at the end of which the students and young scientists received eight awards, from which four for oral presentations and four for posters.

With this occasion RES has become a member of the EFFS, registered as the body representing the interests of limnologists and fresh-water scientists of Romania in the  European Federation for Freshwater Sciences.

Categories: Conferences